Sunday, March 24, 2013

Strong Supplier Expectations Work Use Them
Here is a good example of a supplier expectation: We seek suppliers that can help us continuously improve. In order to encourage this behavior, we are willing to split hard improvement savings with you 50-50 for the first year of these savings. We need your help in educating end-users, designing manuals, working with cross-functional teams, and introducing new products. We want to take advantage of your technical expertise. We value suppli­ers with good technical services and those who can keep us informed of leading edge technologies that we can employ.

Link to my book Common Sense Supply Management

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I love your blog. Actually, businesses need to understand where exactly they exist in the supply chain, as their role may mean that they aren't in a position to dictate the technology standards or procedures that enable visibility. It all depends where you are in the chain. Are you on top of the chain or the bottom? If you're on the bottom some stuff may be dictated to you.thanks!
    Automation? Go
